July 2021
Our family is like the branches
On an old but sturdy tree
The leaves resemble people
That make up our ancestry
The past has not been easy
And it could have made it fall
But the roots are cemented firmly
For this tree to stand so tall
As time goes by it’s certain
That the leaves will wither and wilt
But new branches of the tree will thrive
On foundations they have built
Together we are stronger
It isn’t hard to see
That every leaf is needed
To make this family tree.
We are all a part of a strong root system. And even though we may choose to
branch out in different directions, we are still connected. Many times various
leaves may choose not to maintain the generational bond within the tree but,
those of us left to stand firm will continue to grow and eventually spread our branches, reaching for the heavens without them. Having the knowledge that
their choice may hinder their growth, some will choose to fertilize the soil so
that they become a part of the great oak while others will simply fly away and
wither into obscurity. The choices we make determine the outcome of our lives.
Yvonne Richard-Sanchez
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