August 2021
As we enter the month of August, many of us are reminded of hurricane Katrina, 2005. Those were times faced with great hesitation and frustration…yet we made it. Many were left with only the clothes on their backs but…somewhere, someone extended a helping hand and offered us help in our time of need and…we made it.
Children faced an uncertain future as parents scrambled to give them back a resemblance of the home life they once had. We were faced with new surroundings, new people, new schools, and new places to live. It was indeed a struggle but…somehow, we made it.
While trying to comfort the children of the family, many were faced with uncertain futures. Where are we supposed to live, how are we supposed to face the future with nothing and maintain our sanity? Through struggles, disappointments, heartache, changes, uncertainty, and losses…somehow, we made it.
Many lives were lost and through the struggles of everyday life, those left behind found the strength to continue looking ahead and trusting God for a way out of no way. Life changed for so many during those hours, days, months of separation from our homes and families. Family members were unable to help each other because no one had anything to give...not even a helping hand...Yet we made it.
Those interred were uprooted because of the ravages of this terrible event. As we returned to our tattered homes, drenched in disease infested water to find our mementos strewed about, we quickly busied our hands as we gathered photos, trinkets of happier times and tried to salvage what little we could. We reached for wedding photos, birth announcements, graduation diplomas, certificates that defined our achievements over decades and baptismal gowns, christening outfits, and so many cherished items from our ancestors, we struggled to hold on to…yet we made it.
How were we to know that once again, on the anniversary of Katrina we would receive a visit from another lady, named Ida? Many of us never imagined we would be faced with similar hardships, damage, and destruction once again, sixteen years later. God blessed many of us this time and even though our losses were mostly materialistic, the number of lives remained miniscule. We pray for those who suffered the loss of loved ones. May they find solace in their joyful memories.
As I look out among the beautiful sunshine, I am thankful that I still have a roof over my head, my children are alive and well, my family and friends are safe and secure. I marvel at this world and this city with its resilience to overcome dire situations and circumstances. Many have a long and tedious journey ahead as they attempt to rebuild, while others from all over the state of Louisiana and the world are coming to the aid of those in need. We can truly say, we are blessed even though we must temporarily endure the pitch-black darkness of night, and sweltering days, we have joy in knowing that because of so many caring persons…we made it. God Bless!
Yvonne Richard-Sanchez
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